We have talked how to pick a good wig last time, when you get your wig, do you know how to wear it?
There are the steps to wear your wig:
- pull your hair away from your face. If you want to covering your natural hair with a wig, you need to braid the hair in to french braids and sit tight against the scalp. Cross them on your head and fix them with hair clips. and then you can spray it with hairspray to keep it securely in place.
- Put a wig cap on your head before the wig. The brand of Celie hair is a good choice, many anchors recommend the body wave lace front wigs on this store, you can get the wig cap together, once you get the hair, contact the seller, you also can get the beautiful free gifts.
To keep your hair covered and help secure the wig, place the wig cap against your natural hairline in the front. Stretched it to fit on your head from front to the back. Tuck away any stray hair into the cap. If you have a lot of long hair clipped up or braided. It may be easier to put the cap on the back to the front. - Put on the wig. Hold the wig with both hands inside the wig, with the back of the wig facing you. Tit your head forward and put the front of the wig against your front hairline. Slide the wig on your heads and slip your hands under it. Then adjust the edge of the wig so it lines up with your hairline.
- Secure the wig with glue. Once you have put the wig, lift up the edge of the wig on one side. Apply the glue along the hairline and press it gently in to the adhesive. Repeat along the top of your hairline on the other side. find wig glue at your local wig shop, costume shop or online.
If you are using glue, keep the edge of the wig lifted for about 30 seconds to allow the glue to dry before you place the wig.
If your wig fits very well and has clips attached to it, you can skip the gluing, simply tuck the wig clips in underneath your wig cap and press the center of the clip to snap it shut. - The common problems after you wear your wig
Gain more confidence in a wig around your family and friends. If you are nervous about wearing your wig in public, try wearing it just around your family and friends. It can test you whether the wig feel comfortable, it also can make you more confidence.
Wear a hat or a scarf over your wig when it’s windy, if you worried your wig get blown on a windy day, you can use clips to make the wig secure.
Use a cotton wig liner for hot days. If you sweating a lot under your wig on especially hot days, you can try a thin cotton wig liner, it will soak up your extra sweat to help you stay cool.
You can find it at your local wig supplier or online.
To reduce the extra sweat, you can sprinkle baby powder on your scalp before you put your wig on.
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